Monday, July 26, 2010

"That poor dog" - Warning: Rant ahead

Makayla is a happy dog, who wakes up everyday with a wagging tail and a smile on her face and lots of kisses for us. She loves to play with her brother - and even manages to wrestle with him sometimes if she's in an extra silly mood. She can still bully Grace and boss her around. She's still the same old Makayla, she just walks a little funny. It's been a long 9 months since we began this journey with Makayla's failing health. And Josh and I have been very honest and up front with each other since the beginning. We will not let her suffer, we will not keep her around for our sake if she doesn't have a good quality of life. We will do what we can to make her happy and keep her comfortable and we both realize that one day we will have to make a tough decision and say goodbye to her, but until that day comes, we will do what's best for her.

I know most people don't understand how much I love my dogs - to most people, they're dogs. To me, they're my babies. And so when people make comments about Makayla, I can't help but take it personally. I can't help but begin to question myself and what I'm doing for her. And although I'm a pretty tough person, nothing gets to me or upsets me more than hearing "that poor dog" from people when they see Makayla. Josh reminds me that people don't see her everyday like we do and don't understand she's ok. Yeah, I know, but to have people pity her and question why we haven't put her to sleep just pisses me off.

There's nothing "poor dog" about Makayla. She's not sad, she's not feeling sorry for herself. She's handicapped and she's simply learning to live with her limitations, not let them stop her from being the same old Makayla she's always been. I've never learned as much from a person as I have learned from Makayla - she's taught me more than I could ever learn in my entire life - how to face life's challenges, how to overcome obstacles, how to not feel sorry for myself because of a difficulty in life. I'm so thankful each and every day that I have Makayla and that she's allowed me to go on this journey with her because it's been such a wonderful experience, no matter how hard it has been.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's a small miracle I'm not an alcoholic!

So, yesterday I realized it's a small miracle that I haven't become an alcoholic! My life is too insane to be sober 24/7, yet I am!! This is a rambling post of the recent incidents that have made me realize it's amazing I'm sober!!

Sunday I went down to Sheboygan for a home visit for rescue. Took Diesel with me - since they had another dog and kids, he was the best one suited for this visit. I get there and knock on the door; Diesel begins barking his fool head off to announce his presence as well! We walk in the house, I put his belly band on and let him off the leash and he proceeds to show how very ill-mannered he is. Wanders through the entire house, upstairs, downstairs, kitchen, bathrooms - checking everything out. Comes back in the living room, jumps on the couches, jumps on the window sill and walks through the vertical blinds on the windows, sits on the top of the couch. You'd think he owns the joint. Pees on the wall (well, tries to, at least, since thankfully I remembered to bring his belly band). Basically, made me realize the boy has no manners whatsoever!!!

I had two ice cream buckets of plants sitting behind the garage to be planted when we re-do the planter in the yard. Well, with all the rain, there's now water in the buckets. The girls believe this is their new water dish. So they come out with a face full of mud (because there's dirt in there with the water!) and stinking like manure - there must have been fertilizer in Denise's dirt when she pulled out the plants! And of course, Grace tries to eat the plants, as well. That's it - in the dumpster they go - I don't have time to get them planted and I don't need two sick girls because they're drinking the water!!

And for fun, we've had thunderstorms basically every night for the last month or two. Which means Diesel and Kayla spent most evenings running through the house barking like maniacs. Last night, the power went out, so I couldn't even turn the TV up all the way to try to drown out the thunder. Poor Grace was scared out of her mind because it was pitch black and the two idiots are barking fools!!! In an effort to make the most out of it and to keep my sanity, I broke out the glow stick necklaces, put them on the kids so I could see them in the dark and sat down with my battery operated book light and a book.

So, tell me again why I'm still sober every day?!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Are we really planning Pugfest already?!

We had a board meeting today for Milwaukee Pugfest - to wrap up from the 2010 event and begin talking about ideas for the 2011 event. Geez, are we really planning for May 15, 2011 already?! As usual, before we know it, May will sneak up on us and we'll still have a million thing left to do at the last minute before the event!

It was a great brainstorming session today - lots of fun ideas for next year's event, both Saturday and Sunday. I'm already doing some online browsing and shopping stocking up on things to be used in the fun and games! Although it's a TON of work to plan, organize and carryout a large fundraiser of this scale, it's so much fun to see all of the money we help raise that weekend and see it benefit the pug rescues that participate. Hopefully, we will be able to have even more rescues participate in 2011.

I will leave you with one hint for Pugfest 2011 - we're channeling Bob Barker.

And in the meantime, please visit to view details for the Pugfest Scrapbook Contest. This year's theme is "Spirit of the Pug" and the top three winners will receive donations to the pug rescues of their choice. How fun - scrapbook our favorite breed and win money for rescue!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

So, it's the 4th of July and for the last five years that has meant the annual 4th of July hat pictures of the pugs!!

As usual, Makayla did just what Mommy wanted her to do and was such a good girl (she asks that you please ignore her saggy boobies - she says if you're older, you know how hard it is when things start sagging!).

I do believe this was the first year I tortured Grace with the hat. She was bored with it:

But I managed to get a halfway decent picture of her in the hat. Needless to say, she's not impressed with the 4th of July hat!

And then there's Diesel, who apparently has decided he's had enough of this hat crap. This year he took matters into his own hands . . . errr, mouth, and decided he simply was not posing in the hat.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ugh - the 4th of July!

I hate the 4th of July. Why? One word - fireworks. I never use to hate the fireworks on the 4th, but ever since we got dogs, I've learned to just hate the holiday! Kayla hears every boom and bang. And now that we live out in the country, they have huge fireworks out here and they're not just on the 4th. They're the week before and several weeks after. Our remedy for dealing with the fireworks? We close the doors and windows and crank up all tvs as loud as we can. I may be deaf by the end of the night because the tv is so loud, but it's the only way we can avoid Kayla hearing the fireworks and barking like a maniac all night!!

Hope everyone has a happy and safe fourth!