Monday, June 28, 2010

Makayla's Great Day

Kayla had a Bicom Therapy session today at her holistic vet. Since I'm gone from work for about 3 hours for one of her vet appointments, I decided to take Kayla to work with me this morning earlier than I'd usually go in and get in an hour of work before being gone all morning. I thought we were safe when she didn't poop before getting in the car at home and she was rather quiet and calm during the ride. Didn't that all change when we got to work?! She was all excited and as soon as we got in the elevator at work, she had to poop!! We picked up the poop with a poop bag but before I could get the febreeze and get back in there to de-stink it, Robyn had the pleasure of riding in the poop smelling elevator!!! I'm sure that's how she wanted to start her morning!! Thankfully, we were able to get the smell out of the elevator with a little febreeze and we got some work done - and Sis got a little socializing in too, looking for treats from everyone.

Her holistic vet said she looks great - she said her eyes even looked a little brighter and more alert today. She's been having a great couple of weeks and we're just enjoying it. She is down another pound in weight, down to 18.8 but we're ok with that because her strength in her back end has seemed to have plateaued right now. Otherwise, she had a wonderful visit - just a quick tuneup with her Bicom therapy and we're done for another three weeks.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

New addition to the family

Well, we did it - we went and added another pug to the family. A beautiful little fawn girl that I've had my eye on for quite a while. She came with the name Gertrude and I think we will keep it. The only decision to make is whether we will call her Gertie or Trudy for short. Any suggestions?
Without further ado, here's Miss Gertrude:

If you've never seen these before, it's made out of beads - tiny little beads!! They're AWESOME and I've wanted one for a while but have been too cheap to splurge and buy it.
Come on, you didn't really think I'd brought home a living pug and lived to tell about it, did you?! Josh has firmly stated we're done at three!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fun in the sun

I love that it's always a good 5-10 degrees cooler at home than it is in town. The car thermometer said it was 90 degrees in town this evening. But when I got home, there was a nice gentle breeze and it was pretty comfortable outside. So the kids and I ate dinner and spent some time outside in the yard.

Diesel waited patiently for his daddy to come back from Marty's:

And Grace enjoyed rolling around in the grass:

And Kayla found a really fun spot for rolling:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome to our blog

Our life is always busy and fun - living with three pugs is never ending laughter (and, ok, I admit, frustration)!! So what better way to remember our fun times than to blog about them and share with our family and friends.

A quick rundown of our gang:

Diesel is our "first born." He's a fun, happy boy, who believes people roam this earth to lavish love and attention on him. He's never met a person he doesn't love! He's a talker, always willing to share his thoughts with you through growls and barks. He's just a fun guy to be around.

Makayla is our first rescue girl. She's having some health problems right now, which take up a lot of our time in caring for her and taking her to vet appointments and adjusting to her disabilities and constant changes in her needs. She opened my heart to pug rescue and I don't know where I'd be in my life if we'd never adopted Makayla. She's also a crotchety old bag - and being handicapped hasn't changed her one bit - she's as crabby as ever some days!!

And then there's Gracie Lou Freebush - who is all personality. She's our rescue girl who came from an awful puppymill. So while she doesn't care too much for people, when she's home and in her comfort zone, her real personality comes out. And look out!! She's the founding member of Pugs Addicted to Fabric Anonymous - and it's a one day at a time battle for her to fight her addiction. She keeps me on my toes every single day. And like a toddler, if she's out of our sight and quiet, she's usually up to no good! Though she drives Josh absolutely insane some days (ok, most days!), I wouldn't trade her for the world.

We hope you enjoy reading about our silly adventures - some days, it's life as usual (well, usual for us at least) and some days, life here is a little more chaotic than usual, but somehow we manage to get through every day with a good dose of laughter.